Apple推出iPhone以及iPhone SDK 後,造成了一股不可擋的智慧型手機革命,由於相較於桌上型和筆記型電腦,手機是人們日常生活中更容易貼近使用的行動裝置,因此,手機中的App 更可以幫助人們解決生活中的問題。 本課程將由最基本的入門點切入,前段會先帶領同學針對Objective-C 語法,委派設計(Delegate)模式等iOS入門的幾大難題上課,接著利用Storyboard建構出常見的iOS app 使用者介面,最後再教導同學用OpenGL es 實作有趣的3D 應用程式。
In this course, you will get hands-on with the Apple SDK and learn how to use Objective-C to build the apps from scratch; You will be equipped to develop iOS apps, including 3D Apps through an understanding of the following course materials: ˙Introduction to iOS ˙How to program in Objective-C ˙Using X-Code ˙The basics UI design of an iPhone/iPad application ˙iOS MVC structure ˙Use of sensors, the GPS, and cameras ˙Multimedia functions – how to play audio and video files ˙OpenGL ES for 3D/AR application ˙Project Demo and Review ˙How to publish an iPhone/iPad application.